The purpose of the SMNBA is to glorify God by Developing Relationships, Training Leaders, and Sharing Resources


Developing Relationships

1. By Communicating. We will follow the pattern of Scripture and seek to “read the letter,” having regular communication with one another. [Col 4.16]

 2. By Loving. We will show our discipleship to Christ by having “love for one another,” trusting that the Father will keep us in his name, that we “may be one.” [Jn 13.34-35, 17.11]

 3. By Praying. We will devote ourselves to “praying at all times in the Spirit . . . making supplication for all the saints,” and “always struggling” on behalf of one another in our prayers. [Ep 6.18, Col 4.12]

 4. By Encouraging. We will, through love, humbly give and receive wisdom and encouragement, to resolve difficulties, to clarify ministry goals, and “to maintain the unity of the Spirit.” [Pr 3.5-7, Pr 13.10, Gal 2.2, Ep 4.1-3]

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Training Leaders

1. By Entrusting. We will gratefully assist the “faithful men,” recognizing the gifts God has placed among us, “for building us up as the body of Christ, until we all attain the unity of the faith,” [2Tim 2.2, Ep 4.11-16]

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Sharing Resources

1. By Supporting. We will work together for the occasional support of gospel workers/church planters, to help them in whatever they may need, “to support people like these,” and “be fellow workers for the truth.” [Ro 16.1-3, 3Jn 8-10]

 2. By Contributing. We will “make some contribution for the poor,” combining benevolence for needy saints in other churches, thus “taking part in the relief of the saints,” and “supplying the needs of the saints.” [Ro 15.26, 2Co 8.1-4, 2Co 9.12-15]

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Our Practice

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We take the stress out of financial planning. Proin gravida ex id consectetur lobortis. Aliquam ornare, velit vel faucibus dapibus, augue justo.

— Blandit Lectus

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